Virginia's newly formed thirteenth district is served with honor and distinction by none other than Republican Virginia State Senator Dick Black. The district was previously served by Republican Fred Quayle for four terms (there are no term limits on Virginia Senate seats) before the district went under redistricting in 2011. Since assuming office in Dick Blacked discount has managed to be re-elected again in 2015. This site will provide you with information on who Senator Black is and how he stands on certain issues facing Virginians today. You can become involved in the political process or choose to keep your cards close and only get your feet wet during the election process. Your input is invaluable as we work toward a stronger economy, change from a consumer nation to a producer nation, and preserving the values that make our country great. So by all means, please make your voices heard as we are more than willing to listen. Now more than ever, we need to work together for a bright outlook for future generations. we encourage you to keep in touch with Dick about issues you feel strongly about so he can better represent you in Richmond. We all know that certain issues really hit home for folks living in Loudoun and Prince William Counties in Northern Virginia. Some of the issues that made their way into the headlines during the last election had to do with working poor, assistance programs, porn discounts, medical care and working parents needing help with childcare, or assitance with schooling to get ahead in the work place. If we can be of assistance in your life please reach out to us on Facebook. We are always here to help. Sincerely, V |
Committee Assignments
Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources Committee | |
Education and Health Committee | |
General Laws and Technology Committee | |
Rehabilitation and Social Services Committee |